I work in many different mediums, but these are in oil or acrylic, abstract and figurative.
I paint whatever subject interests me in that moment.
Oil and Acrylic
Some of the first things I painted as “actual” art were copies of Patrick Nagel paintings (I was obsessed with Duran Duran) using acrylic paints. The precision of copying his graphic images also led me to sign-painting jobs for local businesses. I wasn’t in high school yet.
My first experience with oils was in high school (we’re still in the 80s). I had been an artist in my own mind for many years, but after trying “grown-up” paints - and doing well with them - I genuinely felt like I had levelled up. The first big thing I ever painted in oils was a copy of an Edward Hopper painting that my dad had once copied in watercolour. He died before I was in high school so never knew I did it for him.
I was adequate at painting by then. I was great at copying other works, but bad at painting from my mind. I needed to properly learn fundamentals so that I could better translate the vague things I see in my mind. Only after I did that did I start to like what I created from my imagination. I still don’t like a lot of what I make, but I give it my best shot. Dad would’ve been proud.
Shop available works in my online store. If you see something you love, but it’s not in the shop, get in touch for availability.